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Old Clinton War Days May 2-4
        Come to Old Clinton and once again take a step back in time when re-enactors from the South
      and elsewhere recreate the Battle of Sunshine Church, which took place in July 1864, and the
      Battle of Griswoldville, which occurred in November 1864 during Sherman’s March to the Sea.
                                       Beneath a windblown battle flag, tents will spring
                                    up on grassy fields in the town. Soldiers from grizzled
                                    veterans to beardless recruits, both blue and gray, will
                                    gather. As in July and November of 1864, the rattle
                                    of musketry and the rolling thunder of cannons will
                                    shake windows in old homes.
                                       The McCarthy-Pope House, circa 1809, the old-
                                    est existing house in Clinton, will be open for tour.
                                    Ladies of the Confederacy will have the house fur-
                                    nished and decorated in the era of the War Between
      the States. Miss Annie’s Store will house a display of a wide variety of war relics, a prize-winning
      exhibit of Griswold pistol parts, a beautiful example of a finished Griswold pistol, a Burnside
      carbine, other war weapons, and authentic Confederate currency.
        The entire event takes place in the Old Clinton Historic District, which is listed in the National
      Register of Historic Places. Self-guided walking tour information will be available, and guided
      tours are available by pre-reservation.
        Crafts of the era will be demonstrated; “modern” arts and crafts will also be available for
      purchase; and “modern” as well as food of the period will be served.
        Battles begin at 2:05 each day. Sunday’s program will conclude at 8:05pm with the 53rd Geor-
      gia Infantry Company K, CSA conducting a memorial service in the Clinton Methodist Church
      Cemetery to honor Clinton’s Confederate dead.
        The Old Clinton Historic District is located 10 miles NE of Macon just off US Hwy 129. For
      more information you may call 478-251-6745 or visit
                                           Library-Douglas. 4pm. 200 Madison Ave.
      March                              S. Suite D, 912-384-4667.
        15 – SUWANEE – American Craft Beer   21-22 – DUBLIN – Irish Balloon Festi-
      Festival.  Suwanee Town Center Park.   val (Dublin-Laurens St. Patrick’s Festival.            Dublin Civitan Fairgrounds, 250 Hwy 257.
        15-16 – MOULTRIE – Calico Spring   478-272-4002.
      Arts and Crafts Show. 229-985-1968.   21-23 – DARIEN – Friends of Shell-
        17 - SAVANNAH – St. Patrick’s Day   man Bluff St. Patrick’s Day Parade. 10-
      Celebration on River St. 912-644-6401.  11am. 912-990-3933.
        18 – DOUGLAS/COFFEE – Alice         22 – BLAKELY – Peanut Proud Festi-
      in Won der land Play. Satilla Regional   val. 104 Court Square. 229-724-7322.
                                            22 – DOUGLAS – Wings & Things
        Old ClintonOld Clinton
                                        Festival and Fly-in. Douglas Municipal
                                         Airport. 912-384-1873. 9am-4pm.
        WAR DAYS                         Library Art Show and Reception. Satil-
        WAR DAYS
                                            22 – DOUGLAS/COFFEE – Spring
      RE-ENACTMENT                       la Regional Library-Douglas. 4pm. 200
                                         Madison Ave. S. Suite D, 912-384-4667.
             MAY 2-4Y 2-4                sic  –  Classic  Jazz.  Satilla Regional  Li-
                                         brary-Douglas. 4-6pm. 200 Madison Ave.
           Arts & Crafts of the Eraafts of the Era  S. Suite D, 912-384-4667.
           Arts & Cr
                                            22 – JESUP – Wayne County Dog-
       Suttler’s Row • Demonstrations • Food  wood Arts and Crafts Festival. Fair-
             Self-Guided Tours Available  grounds. 912-427-5915.
            Guided Tours By Appointment     22 – MADISON – Sweet Tooth Festival.
        Old Clinton is located 12 miles N.E. of Macon  Lions Club Fairgrounds. 706-818-8833.
        and 1½ miles S.W. of Gray, just off Hwy. 129  22 – RICHMOND HILL – Geechee
            478-251-6745                 Gullah Festival. 912-756-2676.
      22 GUIDE TO GEORGIA  / March/April/May 2025
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