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Massee Lane Gardens — A Southern Classic

        Springtime is the perfect time to enjoy strolling through Massee Lane Gardens near Fort
      Valley. Late season camellias are plentiful in the seven specialty themed gardens. The Marvin
      Jernigan native azalea garden, with its delicate and fragrant pink, yellow, orange, and orange-
      red blossoms, puts on a show from late March through
      early May. Pitcher plants, wild orchids, and venus fly
      traps in the bog garden welcome spring to the fifteen-
      acre Brown and Hall Environmental Garden.
        Many rare and endangered  plants native  to the
      Southeast nestle among the pines alongside the walking
      paths encircling a 2.4 acre pond. Dr. Dan and Muriel
      Nathan’s screened-in  pavilion  is a  perfect  spot for a
      family picnic and for observing wildlife. This unique
      botanical garden illustrates the diversity of plant life in
      habitats ranging from the lake to the upland forest.
        An International Garden of Excellence, headquarters
      of the American Camellia Society, and member of the American Camellia Trail and the Georgia
                   Camellia Trail, Massee Lane Gardens also features a landscaped greenhouse,
                   gift shop, and two galleries  showcasing the largest collection  of Boehm
                   sculptural porcelains in the U.S. Groups of ten or more may make reservations
                   for a professionally guided tour, and boxed lunches.
                     For directions and visitor information, call 877-422-6355 or visit www.
      Ongoing Spring Events              March
        Mar. 27, Apr. 24, May 22 – National   2 – Vanilla Sunday. Atlanta Botanical
      Club Dine and Discovery. Chattahooch-  Gardens.
      ee Nature Center.
        Thru Mar. 30 – Student Drawing Exhi-
      bition. Atlanta Botanical Garden.        Massee Lane
        April & May – Family Canoe Days on
      Saturdays. Chattahoochee Nature Center.  Gardens
        April & May – Select Saturdays &
      Sundays River Canoe Trips. Chatta-
                                            A Southern Classic
      hoochee Nature Center.                A Southern Classic
        April – Late-season Camellias, Native
      Azaleas, and Pitcher Plants in Bloom at
      Massee Lane Gardens.
        Apr. 5, 7, 8, - Plant Taxonomy – The
      Identity of Plants. State Botanical Gardens.
        Apr. 7 – 10 – Spring Break Family Fun.
      Atlanta Botanical Gardens
        Thru Apr, 13 – Orchid Daze: Beauty
      and Light. Atlanta Botanical Garden.
        Apr. 29-May 20 – Intermediate Draw-
      ing in Colored Pencil. Atlanta Botanical
        Thu May 6 – Pages & Pines, Silent
      Book Club. Elachee Nature Center.     Tour. Visit. Explore.
        Thru May 6 – Sprouts: Nature-Based
      Play for Little Ones and Their Caregiv-  100 MASSEE LANE RD.
      ers. Elachee Nature Center.          FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA 31030
        Thru June 1 – Photography Contest.
      Hills & Dales Estate.                       (478) 967-2358

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